1. �U Framework II, Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) Contract Nr: ERBCHRXCT �dentification, structure and function of effector protein(s) of the ras-related YPT gene product in yeast and mammalian cells 1988-1989
2. �U Framework III, Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) Contract Nr: ERBCHRXCT920010 Bacterial Nucleoid 1993-1996
3. EU, Framework III, Scientific Cooperation of the European Union with the Third Mediterranean Countries). Contract Nr: ISCCT040097 Structure-Function studies of enzymes involved in Chitin degradation 1995-1998
4. EU, Framework IV, Biotechology (area 6) Project: PL960670 Protein Design with two monomeric TIM-barrel proteins: towards new active site of chitinase and monomeric triosephosphate isomerase (monoTIM). 1996-1999
5. EU, Framework IV Biotechnology (area 1) PL960488 Extremophiles as Cell Factories 1996-1999
6. GSRT, Greek Ministry of Development International R&D Cooperations Greece-Germany Elucidation of the structural and functional interaction between the tumour suppressor protein p53 and the recombination factor Rad51 at the molecular level by genetic engineering 1999- 2001
7. EU, Framework V, Quality of Life Area New startegies for the treatment of cancer by targeting conformational variants of the tumour suppressor p53 2000-2003
8. GSRT, Greek Ministry of Development PENED Biochemical and Biophysical Analysis of the Chitin Degrading Enzymes Chitinase and Chitobiase 1999-2001
9. GSRT, Greek Ministry of Development International R&D Cooperations Greece-Germany Implication of protein engineering toward the elucidation of structural and functional interactions, at the molecular level, between the tumour suppressor protein p53 and the human recombination factor of DNA, Rad51. 2002-2004
10. GSRT, Greek Ministry of Development International R&D NON-EUROPE Cooperations Greece-Australia Solution structure of a 40 kDa thermostable TIM barrel type chitinase: mechanistic insights, molecular recognition and substrate hydrolysis of chitin related enzymes 2004-2006
11. GSRT, Greek Ministry of Development International R&D Cooperations Greece-Poland Unravelling the crystal structure and enzymatic mechanism of a novel hypethermophilic nitrilase from archaea 2004-2006
12. Greek M�nistry for Education and Religion “PYTHAGORAS” Development of specific technology for the selective targeting and elimination of leukemic cell population. 2004-2006
13. GSRT, Greek Ministry of Development International R&D Greece-Hungary New aspects of functional interaction between the tumour suppressor protein p53 and the human DNA repair and recombination factor Rad51 with the aid of lent�viral vector technology 2004-2006
14. ���� – ���� (�����) ������������ �������� ������-������� - ��������� ����������� ��� ����������������� �������� �RCA1: 1. ���� – ����������� - ��������������� ��� ��������� BRCA1 2. ������ ���������� ������������ ��� �������� BRCA1 2005-2008
15. Greek-German bilateral cooperation ��YDA ��� 2006-2007
16. GSRT, Greek Ministry of Development International R&D Cooperations Unravelling the crystal structure and enzymatic mechanism of a novel hypethermophilic nitrilase from archaea 2006-2008
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